Sunday, May 19, 2019

Rate the Fighter (MK11): Kano

Rate the Fighter: Mortal Kombat 11 Edition!

Welcome back everyone to Rate the Fighter: Mortal Kombat 11 Edition. Today we'll be taking a look at the ruthless criminal known as Kano. If you missed the last blog post, we went over D'Vorah, the female Kytinn who managed to score a perfect 10 outta 10 from me. Check her out if you're interested and without further ado, let's being with Kano.

Kano, Leader of the Black Dragon

Kano as he appears
in Mortal Kombat 11.
Much like a lot of the characters we've looked at so far, Kano hails from the very first Mortal Kombat game that was released in 1992, being one of seven lucky characters that helped spawn a franchise. Kano is most famous for being the leader of a criminal organization known as the Black Dragon, as well as being Sonya Blade's longtime rival. As far as mercenaries go, Kano is probably the best of the worst. Known for being incredibly cruel and selfish, he'd stab his own mother in the back if it meant it would benefit him.

In Mortal Kombat 11, both a younger version and older version of the character exist and work to help Kronika with her plans. Having been promised that their clan would become the world leader in basically anything black market related, the two agree to work for Kronika. Spoiler alert: It does not go well for them.


Present day Kano (Top) vs.
Past Kano (Bottom)
Kano's default appearance got a major overhaul from Mortal Kombat X. In that game, he looked incredibly old and just so ragged. Luckily in Mortal Kombat 11, he's back to looking more like he did in Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe and Mortal Kombat 9. In fact, he seems to look more like the actor that played the character in the first movie more than anything.

As I mentioned above, both future and past Kano are available as skins that you can equip in this game. What's great about his younger appearance is how it's an exact replica of how the character looked back in Mortal Kombat 3, down to the lack of any hair and his clothing preferences. Variations of these two appearances come in the form of Kano either adding a shirt under his cybernetic heart or not having one at all. While I see what they were going for, it kinda feels lazy.

In the end, I'll reward Kano a 7/10 for his appearance, which is held back by the lack of creativity when it comes to the variations of each timeline's Kano.


Kano's iconic cyber equipment are fully customizable in this game and include his cybernetic eye and cybernetic heart. On top of that, his knives can also be customized. Below is a video that showcases all of Kano's unlockable equipment and a list of my favorite items.

Eye Shields

  • Maxitronic Catalyzer
  • Russian EKSK Outlaw
  • Downhearted
  • Red Eye Mine
  • Multiocular Razor
  • kill u tonight
  • Klassic Kano Prime
  • Scanning Darkly

Cybernetic Hearts

  • Laser-Blade Circular Saw
  • Hubcap Style
  • Molten Heart
  • Dragon Stalker
  • Heart of the Crossworlder
  • Motherboard & Shield
  • Klassic Pad 9219
  • Kard-Carrying Gangster
  • Future According to 1994
  • Skin Toaster


  • Stolen From Quan Chi
  • Warlock Dagger
  • Lethal Lightwing
  • Black Dragon Utility Knife
  • 9219 Irradiated Carbon Blade
  • Me Mum's Old Club
  • Lowlands Copperhead

I think a lot of these were designed with the same thought process behind it as Johnny Cage's gear. It seems that there's gear made specifically for young Kano and older Kano. I'm quite a fan of this thought process, so I gladly welcome this decision. You can also tell that the developers had a lot of fun naming these items, especially with names such as kill u tonight and Future According to 1994.

Really nothing to complain about here, which earns Kano's equipment a 9/10.


Kano's cruel and psychopathic nature really shines through his moveset. With cybernetic enhancements such as his eye and heart, it should come as no surprise that this madman would find a way to modify them to help him out in battle. Some of Kano's special moves include:

  • Black Dragon Ball: A strange move where Kano rolls himself up into a ball and propels himself forward at the opponent. Maybe it's best if we don't ask how it works.
  • Optic Blast: Kano fires out a laser bolt from his cybernetic eye.
  • Snake Bite: Kano leaps at his foes and drives his blades into their chests.
  • Rack Off: Allows Kano to counter the opponent's basic attacks.
  • Molotov Cocktail: Kano throws a burning bottle of alcohol at his opponents. The bottle explodes on contact with the ground and the fire will linger in the area, burning the opponent if they stand in it.

Kano clearly doesn't fight fair. Admittedly, that's what makes him such a fun character to use, to see all these different, messed up ways you can hurt your opponent. I'll rate his moveset a solid 8/10.

Fatalities and Fatal Blow

Fatality #1, Last Dance:
  • God, I love this fatality. It perfectly captures who Kano is as a character: A demented criminal who gets off to the sickest things. The cherry on top of it all is the music that plays in the background while Kano and his opponent dance. Just absolutely brilliant. 10/10.
Fatality #2, Face Like A Dropped Pie:
  • Oh man, this fatality just plain sucks. What's sad is that it could've been a great fatality, honestly. The thing that absolutely ruins it is the fact that the opponent's head explodes at the end of the final headbutt. It would've been so much better if Kano continued to headbutt the opponent's lifeless body as the screen faded to black. That would've made the fatality great but as it stands now, it gets a 3/10.
Fatal Blow, Not Here to F*ck Spiders:
  • Kano's fatal blow is just so dirty and fits in line perfectly with his character. The gut stab, the kick to the ribs (my favorite part), and the stab in the throat all just add up to one hell of a great fatal blow. 10/10.

Closing Thoughts

If you like playing as and rooting for the bad guys, Kano should be your right hand man, implying he doesn't stab you, of course. I personally feel that Kano is a bit underrated, as I haven't seen him being used that much in tournaments, but hopefully that'll change soon once more people start to pick him up and give him a shot. Kano gets an 8 out of 10 from me.

Who's Next?

Who is next? That's a very good question. I really don't know at the moment because I'm planning on taking a bit of a break from this blog. I certainly do want to continue with it, but there are a lot of characters I have yet to play as, so I feel I should take the time to learn them before attempting to review them.

With all that being said, thank you to those who found this blog interesting and worthy of your time to read. Hopefully what I've said has inspired you to either try out a certain character in Mortal Kombat 11 or if you don't have the game, perhaps I've convinced you to go a try it out. Whatever the reason may be, thank you for reading and until next time, always be prepared to test your might!


  1. Kano is my Main and Favorite character and def appreciate your rating for him.
    1.One thing I would change for him is to give him a couple more Kombo move-set from his MKX kombo and not make him so easily punishable of a character.

    2. I would def give his Optic Blast an Amplified version, which would shot a 2nd Shot that's a High Hit knocking the opponent across the screen.

    3. While I actually LOVE his "Face Like a Dropped Pie" Fatality because it fits his character and is simple & Brutal. I do have my own version of it.
    *my version 1: Instead of just tackling them down, Kano tackles the opponent with his "Snake Bite" move stabbing them in the upper chest/shoulder area. While mounted on them, he lifts them up and performs his several Headbutts caving their face in. (Which we get a better look at prior to his final hit) As Kano leans back for a final hit, His Eye begins to Glow & Smoke and he pulls them in closer and shoots a HUGE Blast exploding their head.

  2. Adding to some ideas I had for Kano in the combos department. Bringing some of his MKX moves in MK11 so Kano would have a wide variety of Combo depending on which Abilities you chose for him. I think this would make him more well rounded especially being a seasoned character.
    1. When using any of these Abilities: Optic Blast, Bio-Magnetic Pull/Trap & Vege-Mighty. These would be considered "Cybernetic" and he'd gain the following Special & Combos:
    *Ear to Ear (B+1,3,1+3) A combo hit into a Grab using his Laser Eye. Can be AMP for extra damage.
    *Gut Blasted (B+2,3,2+4) A combo hit into a Grab, taking off his Cyber Heart and using it to blast the opp. Can AMP for pop up.
    *Upward Blast (B,F+1 AMP) AMP this move fire upward for anti-air attack.

    2. When using any of these Abilities: Manhandled & Snakebite, These would be considered "Cutthroat" and he'd gain the following Combos:
    *Bloodthirsty (B+1,2,1)
    *Attitude Adjustment (F+2,1,2)

    3. When using ANY of these Abilities: Lumbar Check & Rack off which would be considered "Commando" he gains the following Special & Combos:
    *Woodchipper (3,2,1+3) Combo hit into a Grab/Uranagi Slam (Can be AMP for extra damage)
    *Mean Machine (B+3,1,2) Combo hit (Can be AMP into a follow up attack)
    *Low Counter:
    -If attack is a Low Punch- Kano counters, drags opp forward and stabs in the back
    -If attack is a Low Kick- Kano counters, stabbing opp in the leg, followed up with a knee strike.
    *Command Grab- Rib Strike (D,B,F+4) -Kano grabs the opp and repeatedly strikes them in the ribs with his knees. (AMP for extra damage & send flying back with final strike)
    *Command Grab- Full Nelson Slam (D,F,B+4) -Kano grabs the opp, spins them around and locks them in a Full Nelson and proceeds to lift and slam them down. (AMP for slight variation- Will slam opp back of head on his Knee for a Krushing Blow)

  3. So I have a few more ideas for Kano.
    A New Fatal Blow Idea:
    "Black Dragons Bite"
    Kano hits the opp with a quick strike to the gut(1x) with his knife, staggering them back, then takes out both knives and tosses them at the opp(2x), impaling into their chest. Kano grabs the opponent and flips backwards with them(1x), then removes the knives as he jumps into the air(1x), while in the air. Kano shoots down an Optic Blast(2x) into their stomach, And as he comes back down he stomps on them with full force on their body, with his Boot Knives extended and his Knives in his hand, stabbing them(4x). Total x=11 Hits

    A New Fatality Idea
    "Bad for your Heart"
    Kano takes out both knives pounds his chest to activate his Cybernetic Heart and proceeds to stab the opp in the gut. While still stabbed, he he shoots them in the face a couple times burning skin off. He then lifts them up off the ground and proceeds to blast through their chest. Kano drops the opp, reaches in their chest to grab and squeeze the heart as blood spews from it (Slow-Mo).

  4. MK11 Chapter 6:
    Couple Ideas I had or rather a Patch that would have made Kano's overall performance in MK11 a little better.
    Chapter 6: War on the Home Front- This Chapter to me would have been better for Kano if it was a Villains Side of the Chapter, playing as Kano and showing a few things that were going on while other fights were happening.
    Where I would start is with both Kano's along with Sektor & Cyber Units attacking the Command center.
    Once Sektor is able to cut through the door, he along with the Cyber units enter attacking everyone in the room. Older Kano tells his eager Young self to wait a moment. After a few moments have passed and the Cyborgs hae gained the upper hand. Kano motions it's their turn to enter. Both enter and begin to fight and kill SF Soldiers. Older Kano sees Cassie and heads for her, as Young Kano heads towards Sonya. Kano sneaks up on Cassie, but she evades. Both Cassie & Kano have a quick throwdown (them just sizing each other up)which leads into a FIGHT which Kano Wins to progress the Story.
    Cassie is now down and in pain, Kano pulls out his knife and teases her with it. Kano then sees his Younger self still fighting with Sonya, he then knocks Cassie unconscious and then interferes with his Young self fighting Sonya. They exchange "pleasantries", and then they FIGHT. Kano wins to progress the story.
    Kano orders his Young self to take Sonya outside, and he'll catch up with them. Then orders 2 Cybers to come with him. Kano is then seen places charges throughout the SF Base and is confronted by Young Johnny. Kano orders the Cybers to kill him and they attack. Johnny is on the defense at 1st but gains the upper hand and destroys the Cybers. Kano is annoyed stating, "Those Cyber units ain't cheap". Then they fight and Kano wins to progress the story.
    While Johnny is down, Kano continues to beat him down some more. He then takes him hostage and meets the others outside. He see his Young self had been defeated by Older Johnny, and then shoots Johnny in the knee.
    *Story continues as it does.

  5. Chapter 8: Fight Klub. The only thing I would ahve changed here it the lead up to Kano's death. His actual death was cool and fitting for the charater, but the lead up to it was lackluster.
    Cassie invades the fight club to rescue her parents and she is successful. We see that both Kano's are agitated by this and drop down from the stage and start there way to Cassie 7 her parents fighting/kill SF Soldiers who get in their way (Throwing knives, breaking necks, shooting them). Older Kano tells his younger self to hold them off and he'll be back. As Cassie with her parents are escaping outside, they are greeted by Older Kano who now wields a Minigun and starts firing at them, killing SF Soldiers & BD Thugs caught in the crossfire. Cassie with her parents get to cover but Cassie is injured by Kano who grazed her. As Kano closes in to kill them, he is disarmed by Sonya, throws his knife at her, misses, but kills a SF Soldier, and begins to run away leading Sonya into an ambush. Younger Kano blindsides Sonya, knocking her down. As she gets up, both Kano's mock her. Both Kano's charge at her, but see manages to knock young Kano into his older self, making it a 1v1, where she is able to hold her own against Young Kano's advances, and she gets the upper hand knocking him down. As she prepares to strike Kano, she is grabbed by Older Kano and he throws her down. She gets back up and attacks, but Kano dodges all her attacks. He tells her, "I know all your moves" (a nod to the 1st MK Film). Kano at this point pretty much BODIES Sonya; Hitting her, Countering her attacks & Throwing her around; just toying with her! While she is down, Kano circling around her, begins to gloat and lets his guard down. She hits him with a surprise attack knocking him back, leading him to attack her with an Eye Blast, which she avoids and knocks him out. This leads into a fight with Young Kano. All cutscene/story continues as it does.

  6. Adding to Kano's Base Combo Attacks:
    Fighting King: F+1,1
    Getting Ahead: 2,1,2
    Be back: 2, F+4

    When Vege-Mighty Ability is equiped, Kano Gains the Following
    Inner Rage: Kano activates his Cyber Heart and gains an increase in damage for a short period to any of his Special Attacks. This differs from Vege-Mighty which only grants armor & increase damage to his BD Ball.

    Fist of Power: Again activating his Cyber Heart to increase damage for a period of time to all his Combo Attacks.

    New Fatality Idea:
    "Ooh I love my Cybernetics"
    (Far Distance)
    Kano calibrates his Cybernetic Heart to full Power, and then adjust his Eye Shields setting to handle its Power. His Eye begins to smoke and he fires a Huge Beam from his eye, blasting a whole in the opp chest. Kano gets a better stance to brace himself and fires another Beam, but this time its from his Cyber Heart which fires an even bigger beam, exploding the opp (Slow-Mo)

  7. New Brutality Idea:
    This brutality will be taken from his MKvsDC Fatality, the "Flip Stomp"

    The Brutality is triggered by doing his "Blown Away" combo (F2, U/D+4). As Kano uses his hidden blade, he steps on the opp several times and then jumps in the air coming down with both blades extended slamming down on the opp slitting them in half.
